Busy week in the life of a DJ

Busy week in the life of a DJ.

As I am a full time Wedding DJ & Lighting supplier, my week can be made up of a variety of different things. So with it being a bank holiday and it’s now Friday Night, I’d thought I’d give you a little run down of what I get up to from time to time in between weddings at the weekend. So here goes….

Palace Hotel Manchester

Palace Hotel Manchester

Last Friday I had a last minute to call to cover a gig on Sunday. This event was a science collage graduation ball at the Palace Hotel in Manchester. As I was available I helped out the agency and agreed to do it. I don’t belong to an agent at all, but I do get asked to cover their gigs from time to time.

So Monday was spent sleeping in a little but basically staying away from work. As with all Bank Holidays and weekends, if I don’t have a client meeting or an event to work at already booked, I try to keep clear of work. This is so I can spend time with my wife and 2 growing (still!) sons.

So this week did start on Tuesday with me heading off to my unit full of energy as I was about to do some re-arranging. When I 1st moved in I built some wooden racking, but times change and proper stuff was needed, so some full height metal racking need to installed. And today was the day for building it and moving everything around. Thankfully everything went smoothly and I now have a lot more space.

Manchester Graduation Ball

life of a DJ

Wednesday was a loss day. I tuned up at the unit feeling exhausted, couldn’t concentrate on doing website stuff, and had a headache from late morning on wards. This meant a lot of wasted time, and essentials only. Not a good day to be honest. But experience has told me that this happeneds from time to time, and rather than waste my day staring blankly at a screen, just wipe the day off, go home, take a pill, and chill. So that happened.

Thursday- Up early and raring to go. Today was to sort stuff! By this, I mean after re-arranging my shelving on Tuesday I found loads of containers of home stuff, you know the junk you keep in the darkest depths of your garage. But lucky ol’ me has a unit – filled with stuff! Didn’t realsie how much I had. So sorted all that, and while I was dirty, I sorted my work bench, tool boxes, and put some better lights in my unit toilet. Long day but one of those days where you feel you’ve had a productive day.

Life of a DJ

My Ever growing Son

Friday – Friday was all about doing last minute prep for the weekends gig, and client meeting. Doing another venue page on the website, and generally making sure everything was sorted and good to go. Doesn’t sound a lot when i put in text like that, but it’s quite a time consuming job. I then had to go and collect my Van from the garage after it’s health check at the ,M.O.T. and a few tweaks. Then get my eldest ready and dropped of for his Prom, then back down to the unit to finish off. Home for 9 pm, which on a Friday with no gig didn’t win any favors with the other half, but a bottle wine helped 😉

So that’s it for now I’m off to bed shortly . But suffice to say I have a client meeting tomorrow morning to for a wedding in May 2015, then go and load for a wedding in Manchester city center. This will be the 5th wedding for these bunch of guys, so I must be dong something right.

I’m sure I’ll end up updating over the weekend or early next week, with how the weekend went, so please check back later to catch up.

So that’s about it from me for now,  and I hope you’ve enjoyed this ‘Life of a DJ’ , so signing off , have a great weekend all, and I’ll see you on Monday 🙂