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Thank You


IMPORTANT!!! Thank you but!- Do you have a Gmail / Hotmail / Yahoo type internet based email address? If you do -Please make sure you add to you safe senders. Also Please check your junk/spam folders for my reply. Especially if you haven’t received a reply within 24hrs, (48hrs over weekends).

I really appreciate you for inquiring with me and I will endeavor to get back to you as soon as possible.

Please realise that due to the nature of my work I am usually a bit slower replying from Friday – Sunday.

My normal office working hours are 9 am – 5 pm Mon-Thursday Subject to Events. Quite often late at night at home as well usually, so you will get a reply as soon as humanly possible – Honest !

If you require a quicker response, please call on 07881941476

Once again – Thanks for your inquiry,
